Monday, March 29, 2010

my mother (ya ummi) - ahmed bukhatir

salam dari selayang.....

I will return oh mother لسوف أعود يا أمي
And kiss your chaste head أقبّل رأسك الزاكي
And supress (blame?) my desires أبتّك كل أشواقي
And taste the scent of your blessings وأرشف عطر يمناك
Besmirch in the richness of your feet أمرغ في ثرى قدميك
my cheek when I meet you خدي حين ألقاك
Water the soil with my tears أروي الترب من دمعي
Happy that you are aliveسرورا في محياك

How many nights did you stay up late فكم أسهرت من ليل
So that I could sleep to my content? لأرقد ملأ أجفاني
And how many times did you thirst وكم أظمأت من جوف
So you could quench my thirst with your tenderness? لترويني بتحناني
And one day I was Ill, I do not forget ويوم مرضت لا أنسى
The tears from you that were like the rain دموعا منك كالمطر
And your eyes which stayed awake وعينا منك ساهرة
fearing that I may be in danger تخاف علي من خطر
And the day we parted at dawn ويوم وداعنا فجرا
and Oh what a harsh dawn that was وما أقساه من فجر
Words cannot explain what يحار القول في وصف الذي
I felt when I abandoned you لاقيت من هجري
And you told me things which I still وقلت مقولة لا زلــت
remember throughout my life مدّكرا بها دهري
"You will never find a heart محال أن ترى صدرا
more tender towards you than mine" أحن عليك من صدري
"You will never find a heart محال أن ترى صدرا
more tender towards you than mine" أحن عليك من صدري


obedience to you, oh want of my life.. ببرك يا منى عمري
[is what] the God of existence has instructed me to do. إله الكون أوصاني
Your content is the secret of my success رضاؤك سر توفيقي
And my love of you is the secret of my beleif وحبك ومض إيماني
And the sincerety of your prayer [for me].. وصدق دعائك انفرجت
has resolved my misfortunes and my sadness به كربي وأحزاني
My love towards you.. ودادك لا يشاطرني
no human being loves anything like it به أحد من البشر
You are the beating of my heart فأنت النبض في قلبي
And you are what lights my vision وأنت النور في بصري
And you are the tune on my lips وأنت اللحن في شفتي
My problems cease when I see your face بوجهك ينجلي كدري
To you I do return oh mother إليك أعود يا أمي
Tomorrow I rest from my journey غدا أرتاح من سفري
And a second age will begin for me ويبدأ عهدي الثاني
and the branches will blossom with flowers ويزهو الغصن بالزهر

Monday, March 22, 2010

zawjati-my wife (ahmed bukhatir)

salam dari selayang

“Uhhibuki misla maa anteee” I love you the way you are,
“Uhiibuki kaifa ma kunteee” I love you the way you were,

“Wa mahma kaana ,mahaa saara“ No matter what did or will happen
“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Zawjateee…” My Wifeeey…

“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Uhhibuki misla maa anteee” I love you the way you are,
“Uhiibuki kaifa ma kunteee” I love you the way you were,

“Wa mahma kaana ,mahaa saara“ No matter what did or will happen
“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Zawjateee…” My Wifeeey…

“halaali anti laa akhshaa adulan…an numaqteee…” You're my rightful wife, I don’t fear sin… I don’t care not about those who like to reproach and irritate me.
laqad azina zamaanulana bi wuslim ghayri mumbatteee” It is our destiny to be Together eternally.

“Saqaytil hubba fi qalbi bi husnil fa a’li was-samti” In my heart you instilled love With grace and good deeds.
“yagheeb-us’-sa’adu innibti” Happiness vanishes when you disappear,
“Wa yasful a’yshu inji ti” Life brightens when you're there.

“nahaari kaadihum hatta izaa ma a’ttulil baytee” Hard is my day Until you return home.
“Laqituki fanjala anni duna ya izaaa tabassamteee” Sadness disappears When you smile. J

“Uhhibuki misla maa anteee” I love you the way you are,
“Uhiibuki kaifa ma kunteee” I love you the way you were,

“Wa mahma kaana ,mahmaa saara“ No matter what did or will happen
“antee habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Zawjateee…” My Wifeeey…
“antee habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“tagiku bi al hyaatu iza bi aa yauman tabarramti” Life turns black When you're upset,
“fa asssaa jaahidan hatta aw haqqi qaamaa tamannaytee” So I work hard To make your wish come true.

“anaaee anti fal tanay bi jifhil hubbi maa ashtee” You're my happiness. May you be happy forever.
Fa roohanaa qadi talafa ka mislil ardhi wa annabteee Our souls are united Like soil and plants.

“wa amali wa Yaa sakaanee Yaa unsi wa mulhimateee” ”You're my hope, my peace My good company and inspiration.
“yatibul a’eshu mahmaa daaqatil ayyaamu intibteee” Life is good, no matter how hard it is, When you're fine.

“wa amali wa Yaa sakaanee Yaa unsi wa mulhimateee” ”You're my hope, my peace My good company and inspiration.
“yatibul a’eshu mahmaa daaqatil ayyaamu intibteee” Life is good, no matter how hard it is, When you're fine.

“Uhhibuki misla maa anteee” I love you the way you are,
“Uhiibuki kaifa ma kunteee” I love you the way you were,

“Wa mahma kaana ,mahaa…saaraa“ No matter what did or will happen
“anti habeebati anteee” You are and will be My Darling.

“Zawjateee…” My Wifeeey…

Monday, March 15, 2010

selamat datang ke lipur kanching (15/03/10)

salam dari selayang.....

ALHAMDULILLAH....telah diberi peluang oleh ALLAH untuk menikmati keindahan ciptaanNYA....
cuba untuk mencari ketenangan jiwa yang sedang bercelaru ni dan idea untuk dimasukkan dalam blog....memang dah lama nak jejakkan kaki kesini tapi masih tak diberi kesempatan oleh ALLAH....
sebelum zohor telah berangkat ke lipur kanching...
tak rancang pun nak pergi....tiba2 pagi tadi tergerak hati nak datang sini...jadi kena la datang sorang2....
tapi memang lebih selesa jalan sorang2...cuma masalahnya tak ada la kawan yang boleh leh dijadikan jurukamera...hehe...

Dengan Nama ALLAH

(Iaitu) orang-orang yang menyebut dan mengingati Allah semasa mereka berdiri dan duduk dan semasa mereka berbaring mengiring, dan mereka pula memikirkan tentang kejadian langit dan bumi (sambil berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Tidaklah Engkau menjadikan benda-benda ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari azab neraka. (3:191)

selamat datang

suasana rimba

tengok air je,dah mula tak sabar nak mandi

naik atas dulu

cuba teka...laluan mana yang diikuti?kalau betul dapat hadiah..makan angin..haha

air terjun kecil...nak bergambar kat sini...tapi sebab datang sorang2,nak2 lak tak ada yang boleh mintak tolong...terpaksa la kupendamkan perasaan...huhu....tak pe..lain kali datang ramai2...insyALLAH....

tu dia....nak menapak...sampai kat atas...belum sempat nak cecah kaki kat air...satu badan dah mandi peluh...


masa nak turun...sempat snap gambo menatang ni....tomelnya anak dia....

salah satu makhluk ALLAH yang melata kat hutan lipur kanching...semut sebesar jari kelingking..masa tangkap gambo ni risau gak kalau2 sekor hinggap kat kaki.digigitnya,mau 3-4 ari bengkak...hehe...

nampak tak benda pelik kat dalam gambo ni?

hujan rahmat....ALHAMDULILLAH

wahai makhluk ALLAH...bertuahnya kamu kerana tidak perlu bimbang akan dihisab dimahsyar kelak...sedangkan rahman bin wahab akan dipertanggungjawabkan atas segala perbuatannya didunia ini...ampunkanlah aku YA ALLAH...AMIN YA RABB....

memang pada permulaan tu dah berniat nak mandi sekali....tapi sebab ramai sangat orang (mungkin sebab cuti sekolah) maka terpaksa la dibatalkan niat tu...
akhirnya....cecahkan kaki ke air....ambil wudhu'....solat zohor dan asar.....balik...hehe....

idea nak dimasukkan dalam blog masih belum ketemu....tengah sedap mengelamum,lebih2 lagi masa tu tengah hujan....dapat satu sms dari 2pupu saya....

"sumtimes org m'pertikaikan budaya ngan agama...tapi bnda ni sume depends on situationkan?example=(nama duapupu saya yang kawin semalam) kan anak tunggal,xslh if nak meriahkan keadaan...yang penting niat...bukan niat kita nak ikut agama lain"

ni bab bersanding yang sebenarnya dah saya jelaskan pagi tadi...rupa-rupanya penjelasan saya masih tak jelas...sebab tu masih diulang lagi perkara yang sama...
ALLAH....lemahnya diri ni....banyak lagi yang perlu dipelajari....
jadi rasanya elok entri akan datang saya tulis bab bersanding...
insyALLAH....semoga diberikan kekuatan oleh ALLAH untuk menulis....AMIN....